[ feminist ] Message 1988 (14 left): Fri May 11 1:42pm From: (gristle@ucscb) Subject: some neato notes from account omicron! Korn: Better than Northern Cal. So. Cal has the best the world has to offfer. The beach boys were correct in that respect there's ugly girls here at UCD too!!!!!!! battle: yeah, thats my point. So Cal is where the girls are rutgers has better looking girls than in all of those other schools You, guys...Stephanie is trying to intimidate me into ceasing this conversation? Have I said anything that offensive? [=1=] new topics anyone? peter - 3s 12:14pm calico@ucscb.ucsc.edu Korn - 4s 11:59am kornblum@phoenix.princeton.edu Wildcat 1m - 11:38am wps@topaz.rutgers.edu vlad - - 12:53pm jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu Mike - 2s 12:24pm michaelm@mudd.ee.mcgill.ca Battlehawk - 2s 1:01pm ez001617@shaggy.ucdavis.edu Sir_Persival - - 1:04pm persivl@ucscb.ucsc.edu BobBitchin - 3s 1:10pm omicron@ucscb.ucsc.edu Pravda - - 1:12pm altair@ucscb.ucsc.edu stephanie - 3s 1:12pm gristle@ucscb.ucsc.edu [ general ] Message 23149 (31 left): Wed June 13 10:17pm From: ptolomaea (kat@ucscb) Subject: Omicron Now that the quarter is through, I have a tale to amuse you all. Do you remember dear old Sandy, better known as omicron? When I was but an infant geek, I had the dubious good fortune to meet omicron as "Elvis" on fnet. It was my first experience there, and I was having a great time playing with commands and getting a feel for ucscb. This kind young man (?) decided to help me out, and quickly demanded that we go to "talk' (whatever that was :) ). Well, I was having fun at the party, and didn't want to leave with a strange man. Soon after that I began getting numerous writes, talk requests, mail, general guilt trips because I didn't know how to ^Z out of what i was doing etc. He always thought I was making fun of him with other people, and would pout regularly. Then came the February Armory party. He wanted to go, and he wanted to go with me. Since he was at Porter, and I had little intention of having this guy pressed up behind me on my motorcycle, I answered that I was at a friend's house, not at Kresge as was the case. Sandy wanted to know all sorts of things about me, and in a rare display of wisdom, I refused to describe all my characteristics on line. I told him I would probably show up, that I was 5'10", thin, had short cropped dark hair, and that I would be wearing a pink jacket. (Everybody who knows me can ascertain this for themselves. heh.) But I knew what he looked like, so when I got there, I stashed my helmet, and then watched him search for me. Rachel was introducing herself to me and wanted to know who I was. Omicron walked by, and I said quickly, "Rebecca, login name 'beck'", and shook her hand vigorously. Sandy then went on to ask the people I was hanging out with if they knew anyone by my login, and they flubbed, but didn't admit to anything. Then he asked me if I knew who I was. "Do you know anyone by the login 'kat'?" "No, I don't know him," I replied. "I was wondering if you knew what she looked like." "Oh..she??" "Well I guess you don't." Heh. No, I was Rebecca, I said, (cackling inside). The more I saw of him, the more I realised that I was following the correct course. (When I explained my story to Queue, she told me that since I hadn't told him this directly, she had no sympathy for me...typical Queue, eh?). The irony of this evening grew and grew, as Sandy continued to look for me, and yet con- tinued to spend most of the evening hovering around me and my friends. In order to support my original premise, I had to embellish upon my character as "Becca". Now I admit, I am a person not to be trusted, especially if you are trying to pick up on me...be forewarned. There is a happy ending to this story though, I took qarin's good advice and when omicron asked me the next day on fnet why I wasn't at the party, I told him that he didn't meet me there because I didn't want to meet him. Direct enough, queue? So when he announced that "several sources" had told him that I was "the biggest idiot in the UC system," you can now see it as the sour grapes it was. :^} heheh. He didn't seem to think I was such a big idiot when he was chasing after me, or when he was trying to interest "Becca" at the party. Or you could say that he just has poor taste in who he tries to scam on. Poor Sandy.....*snigger* Have a great summer folks. --Katrina