Message 4423 (13 left): Thu Oct 20 7:29pm From: The Carnivore (crnivor@ucscb) Subject: I worked with someone like Ron one summer. He'd been harrassing me off and on, and didn't seem inclined to stop. Anyway, this oaf, Clyde was holding a return in place against a desk (we worked for a company that made and delivered office furniture), while I used a power drill to sink wood screws to permanently attachthis return. He started in again, criticizing my physique (he's built like a tank and is about as smart. I let the next screw "slip" (it didn't slip at all-I drilled it straight through the hand he was using to hold the desk - into the desk.) He screamed. I yelled at him for jiggling the desk. We had a fine old scene, and finally the guy our boss had put in charge just put Clyde back working delivery while I did installation. That scene was something else; Clyde swearing and calling me names and held to that desk by a wood screw through his hand up into the bottom of the desk. Gotta love those high-speed drills!!! Message 4495 (13 left): Tue Oct 25 7:26pm From: The Carnivore (crnivor@ucscb) Subject: I had to see the assistant principal in 9th grade because I took three feet of bicycle chain with a Master padlock on the end and hit a guy who had been harrassing me in the head. Sent him to the hospital. Fighting is pointless unless you are going to use a weapon and really fuck the other guy up. -------- Message 4496 (12 left): Tue Oct 25 7:29pm From: The Carnivore (crnivor@ucscb) Subject: ^^ Hit him hard enough with whatever your using to knock him down and then just plow him. He'll be swearing at first, but if you keep hitting him, he'll stop. When he's just screaming and crying, then you're done. Message 506 (1 left): Wed Dec 7 11:13pm From: The Carnivore (crnivor@ucscb) Subject: How bout a question that says "Take a point off your score for each different felony or federal crime you have committed." I'd lose 12 there. If it followed up with "Lose another one for each one you have gotten away with". Aother 12. HAAHAHAhahahHHAhHAHAHAHahahH aAHA HAhHAHAhahahhHAHAhahahaahaqhhahHAhHahhaha heeee, heee!! HAhanaa