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santa cruz geeks in the press

the santa cruz geek community has had it's share of press coverage as the internet itself became "newsworthy." here are some clips which have been put online by various geeks.

Feb 95 Boardwatch's Feb '95 piece on geeks (more on geek.code than anything, which wasn't really a thing in Santa Cruz)
Feb 23, 95 Think Tank's SC Good Times Piece (2/23/95) (link is dead right now)

Sept '95 LA Times piece

The Net (Jan 1996) story
on the geek scene
Dec 29 '96 Santa Cruz Sentinel's Dec '96 piece on geeks: Geek Life
Ok, there's been numerous articles here and there which I've been lame about keeping up with. If you know of any, send me info at falcon@geek.org so I can add them here.
Nov 9 '98 Hues online's Nov '98 piece on women in geek houses
Jun 8 '01 USA Today online chose www.geek.org as one of its "Hot Sites". Since this site is about 5 years out of date, I'm not sure why it's suddenly "hot" to them, but it inspired me to make a few fixes and convince Tapeworm to link in his login lore project a week early which is indeed very cool. We are linked from this url, which probably won't work forever.

An article about The Eudaemons, possibly the first Santa Cruz Geek House in 1976?

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santa cruz geeks in the press