ack in high school, I was a drama
department A/V geek. I was working in the lightbooth after school one
day while our current production was rehearsing on stage, and I heard
our teacher, Mr. Hinshaw, tell the class that they needed to have "crisper
diction". Except that the way he said it was more like a direct address:
"Crisper diction... is what is needed here", or something like that. I
don't remember the exact phrase, only that it felt like "crisper diction"
was being used as a name, a person's name, and I thought, huh, that would
make a great character nick to use in SCA or RenFaire or something. I
envisioned a sort of cape-wearing, rapier-wielding, generally swashbuckling
How I became "The Elder Dan":
high school, one of my best friends was also named Dan. It was surprisingly
difficult to differentiate between us in conversation. We were both drama
department A/V lightbooth geeks. We were both Air Force brats. Both our
fathers had been stationed at Ellsworth in South Dakota prior to being
transferred to Castle in California. He had been stationed in the Phillipines
briefly and I had family in the Phillipines, so Manila came up in our
conversations periodically. The list went on.
one difference between us was that I was class of '88 and he was class
of '89, so I became Dan the Elder and he became Dan the Younger.
also named everything else in the entire drama department "Dan" as well.
The primary follow-spot became Dan the Brighter; the fern hanging in the
lightbooth was Dan the Greener. The entire drama department *was* "Dan".
got even worse when we both went to UCSC, of course. "Have you seen Dan?"
"Which Dan?" "The Dan from Merced." "Which Dan from Merced?" Especially
since we were both Crownies and we both hung around Performing Arts all
the time (him for theater, me for music).
we had already solved this problem once, and applied it quite successfully
to the situation. The Younger Dan was account candela@b.